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Category: lbfc-link

Five Quaker organizations sue to disallow ICE raids on houses of worship

In a very recent policy change, the new presidential administration withdrew guidance that said that ICE shouldn’t conduct an immigration raid during a church service except for when there is a public safety threat.

Note well… if a terrorist (or similar) were to run into a church there was already a way for ICE to have the authority to go into that church. What changed was the administration rescinded its limitations on immigration enforcement in “protected areas” like churches and hospitals and shelters.

We (generally speaking) all want law enforcement to protect public safety. However, churches that serve the immigrant community (like Long Beach Friends) don’t want ICE showing up and standing outside the church building on Sunday morning – or even worse, raiding the church! One of our services is in Spanish and we have many immigrant members from a diverse background. We know that people are afraid. We desire that our neighbors – all of them – should be able to attend worship services without fear.

In reaction, five Quaker organizations have sued to disallow ICE raids on houses of worship. I don’t know much directly about the suit, so please allow me to refer you to a Reuters news article about this lawsuit. My immediate reaction is: Good on these Quakers! I’m thankful for their actions.

For more informed discussion regarding this policy (not the lawsuit), you might want to listen to this podcast episode from the Holy Post starting at about one hour in as Skye Jethani interviews Matthew Soerens of World Relief.

“Go Slow and Repair Things”

I read the Christianity Today article by Tish Harrison Warren of this title some time ago, and reread it this morning after hearing her speak near the close of the Esau McCauley podcast. In being away from my normal place and thinking of the new year and beyond, this thought strikes within me a lingering chord as a word for today… for the particular time in which we find ourselves. It is speaking in part as reaction to the approach of our times that purports to represent the silicon valley, er… mode? ethos? You’ve heard it, “go fast and break things.”

Check the short article out for yourself. Hopefully you won’t hit the paywall obstruction: Go slow and repair things. Perhaps you will find it helpful as a starting thought moving into a new time, as I am.

What if what you’re growing is not actually the Church?

 . . .this theme of church Unity across ethnic boundary lines was absolutely vital in the New Testament and not a sort of odd add-on thing and see I’m I’m deeply suspicious in my own country as well as in America of this idea that oh well homo homogeneous churches grow faster undoubtedly that may be may have some truth to it but what you’re growing is not actually the church because according to Paul very very clearly… Galatians, Ephesians, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians… it’s the community of all believers and in Revelation chapter 7 it’s a great community of every nation and language and tribe and tongue and that’s not for some future date.

N.T. Wright

I was listening to the Holy Post Podcast today. Skye Jethani was interviewing N.T. Wright. And N.T. Wright said something that made me sit up straight. It was quite encouraging to me, coming from someone I respect so deeply!

Over the years, I was hammered with the “homogeneous unit principle” so many times… And my response was that it wasn’t Jesus’ teaching or New Testament teaching, and that I couldn’t, in good conscience, embrace it. It seemed to me that the Spirit amplified to me quite the opposite approach. And it was more difficult. And so worth it. Frankly speaking, it remains more difficult today!

That comes across as self-serving, I suppose. It is not, I hope. It wasn’t my insight or wisdom. It is God’s purpose in the church, of which I am only a follower. It is good news for all humans everywhere – for the nations.

You can listen to the entire Holy Post episode here, or catch this particular segment with N.T. Wright here jumping in near the end of the episode on YouTube.

You can find more N.T. Wright on YouTube or read written material from him on this page.